Introduction: Knex Musket
This is a strong and easy to make knex muzzle-loaded musket.
This is my first instructabe, so please go easy on the comments...
Step 1: Pieces
This is what you will need
Step 2: Barrel
follow this picture to make the barrel
Step 3: Handle and Trigger
again follow the piture
Step 4: Put Together
the tittle explains this step
Step 5: Extra Peice
add this small peice in where the trigger meets the barrel
add a tight rubberband around the peice and where the barrel is
add a tight rubberband around the peice and where the barrel is
Step 6: Bolt
again again follow the picture
addd duct tape
addd duct tape
Step 7: Stock
do i even have to say it...
Step 8: Putting It All Together
attach the stock and the bolt
Step 9: Rubber Bands
put a small band in the trigger another wher i said earlier and i put three bands on the bolt all the way down the length of the barrel.
Step 10: Loading and Fireing
take one of the blue rods off of the barrel then put it in the barreland shove it down with long grey rod.
you can attach the gre rod on the bottom of the barrel inbetween the two white peicesresting on the greay end peice and have the other side attached on the barrel wit a moveable joint peice like seen in the intro
you can attach the gre rod on the bottom of the barrel inbetween the two white peicesresting on the greay end peice and have the other side attached on the barrel wit a moveable joint peice like seen in the intro
Step 11: Extra
look down the stock in between the two blue connectors and line it up with the v connector like cross hairs.