Introduction: Knex Knife
here is my knex knige it looks really cool
no more can say about this knife
no more can say about this knife
Step 1: Part List
green rods 17
white rods 17
gray rod 1
bendy gray rod 1
yellow con 15
red con 2
orange con 1
green con 1
gray con 24
light gray con 1
tan clips 15
y con 5
green rods 17
white rods 17
gray rod 1
bendy gray rod 1
yellow con 15
red con 2
orange con 1
green con 1
gray con 24
light gray con 1
tan clips 15
y con 5
Step 2: Blade
the blade looks really cool
p.s you con add some tan clips in the empty places looks at pic 1
p.s you con add some tan clips in the empty places looks at pic 1
Step 3: Handle
the handle
Step 4: Put Them Together
follow the pics