I am an escapee from modern life, now living by the sea in a forest garden in France. After over 20 years industrial experience, I quit my managerial position to study for a degree in Engineering. That done I continued studying and obtained my PhD in 1996.Two years of post-doctoral research convinced me that I should undertake another life-changing move. My wife, Sue and I are now living a simple life in France where we renovated our 18th century longère using ecological methods and materials. …


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Stay Warm Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Stay Warm Contest
Reclaimed Materials Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Reclaimed Materials Contest
Backyard Contest
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Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Bread Speed Challenge
Reuse Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Reuse Contest
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Contest Winner Second Prize in the Book Character Costume Challenge
Side Dishes Challenge
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Optics Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Optics Contest
Unusual Uses Challenge 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Unusual Uses Challenge 2017

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