Hi! I am Elisse - a pharmacy student, coffee addict,food lover, amateur photographer and an avid crafter. I love art, jewelry,macrame, embroidery but also science, chemistry and drug structures! My Instructables show my right brain at its full capacity - enjoy!


10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Books and Bookshelves Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Books and Bookshelves Contest
Jewelry Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Jewelry Contest
Baking Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Baking Contest
Fiber Arts Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Fiber Arts Challenge
Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Rope and Cordage Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Rope and Cordage Challenge
Paper Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Paper Challenge
Hide It Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Hide It Challenge
Edible Art Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Edible Art Challenge
Tiny Things Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Tiny Things Speed Challenge
Organization Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Organization Contest
Rocks, Gems, and Stones Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Rocks, Gems, and Stones Speed Challenge
Fashion Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Fashion Challenge
Home Decor Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Home Decor Challenge
Fiber Arts Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Fiber Arts Challenge
Self-Care Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Self-Care Challenge
Jewelry Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Jewelry Challenge

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