Introduction: Pine Cones in a Bottle!

How to make your own cool and almost 100% free "pine cones in a bottle"-set.
It 's kinda useless but a cool thing to have...

Step 1: Stuff You Need...

Stuff you need:

- 3 pine cones
- empty bottle

Step 2: Shrink Them!

Let the pine cones shrink!

you can let a pinecone shrink by putting it under water...

Step 3: Wait...

Wait for the pine cones to shrink

mainwhile you can start building the display...

Step 4: Building the Display

building the display

Stuff you need:

- drill
- some wood
- copper wires
- tape (when you dont have a perfect sized drill)

Step 5: Meassure

Meassure where to drill

put the bottle on the piece of wood and mark the spots where to drill.

SPOT1 => under the lid
SPOT2 => 3cm from the end (pic)

Step 6: DRILL!

DRILL the holes (about 0.5 cm deep and the size of your copper wire(diameter))

Step 7: BEND!

you will need 2 wires with a lenght of +/- 10 cm

Bend like you see on the pics

Step 8: Put Them in Place!

put them in place and trim them so the bottle is horizontal...
(use tape to make the wire fit perfectly)


put the pinecores in the bottle and wait till they dry and become bigger...

Step 10: All Done.

show your friends!

(and comment :) )