Introduction: Replace Shutter on a Canon Ae1

About: the a b c approach is not for me .all feedback welcome. thanks for looking. if you would like some assistance or are interested in purchasing something don't be a stranger .
the shutter had had it and the electrics were dead halfway through i found that a track on the flexible circit board had broke but it was too late to worry about that.

Step 1: Ensure You Have a Clean Well Lit Organised Space to Work

the teardown

Step 2: Make a Hole

i kept changing my choice of power source and voltage i ended up with an adapter made from a golf tee and 4 aaa bats taped to the strap

Step 3: Rubber Band Drive Rocks

mirror run by motor on right , shutter by motor on left (from video camera) magnetic stop down thing

Step 4: New Brain

i love relays

Step 5: Mirror Lock Up Switch

Step 6: Amazingly It All Fits Inside

there were a few shorts so a fair bit of insulation was required

Step 7: Brain Installed

Step 8: Some of the Leftover Parts

not all of them!

Step 9: Results

the speed is effectivly b or lock open, bit bouncy so lens cap is good idea. mutltple exposure enabled

Step 10:

addad some reference pics, lookout for a cabel mechanism that runs across the back of the cam under top plate goes past the viewfinder. if your trying a proper repair on this camera i can only wish you the best of luck ,i have fixed a fair few russian cameras with no problems this one is a whole different ball game, its horrible in there so much unnessasaryness .
short video of shutter working

Step 11: The Little Light Leak Can Kll Some of the Film So Addad a Shield

some unexposed film should filter down some of the brightness, and its nice and thin ,i dont want anything catching on the shutter, might even painttheb shutter black!