Introduction: Shorty Macanical Pencil

About: i like to make wierd stuff im a nice guy if you are nice to me i collect lighters and im always willing to help someone out unless you have been unkind to me
do you carry pens or pencils in you're pocket? as you may know they take up allot of space this Instructable will show you how to shorten a macanical pencil and make it easier to carry in you're pocket with more room leftover

Step 1: All the Stuff You Need and Disassembly

1 papermate pencil
1 knife

start by pulling off the back then unscrew the tip and the innards should slide out the back.

Step 2: Chop It Up

I made this one a little too short but you want to cut the inside and outside case to around 3" and clean it to remove any excess shavings.

Step 3: Re-assemble

ok now that you did that re assemble it the way you took it apart and add lead and try it out