Introduction: Steampunk Telephone Stand.
steampunkish cell phonestand.
Step 1: The Base
As i am cheap i didnt want to pay for the little bit of wood i am using. So i drove around the industrial estate here in my town. And found a nice piece of wood just on the ground somewhere. After a quick clean and polish it looked like this. i like the used look of it. Plus it was real wood and free. And thats always a good thing.
First you have to decide where you want ypur holes drilled for your parts. Use a pencil, that can be sanded of real easy. Mark everything drill it etc. After you done that start sanding with fine sandpaper. I loved the different color the wood had so i only gave it a light sand job. After some paint and laquer it looked great.
First you have to decide where you want ypur holes drilled for your parts. Use a pencil, that can be sanded of real easy. Mark everything drill it etc. After you done that start sanding with fine sandpaper. I loved the different color the wood had so i only gave it a light sand job. After some paint and laquer it looked great.
Step 2: Making Your Parts.
First of all you need something to stop your phone from slipping away. So i got some installation wire (thats how we call it here in NL) stripped the plastic off and bend it. I then drilled 2 2mm holes. I then got a copper 15mm end cap and drilled a 5mm hole for the switch. I cleaned out a small liggt bulb for the fitting,cut off the legs from the small radio tube and super glued it together. i then insert a led from the bottom and sealed it with hot glue.
Step 3: Phone Supports.
for this part you need:
2x 15mm connection
2x 90 15-12mm
4x 3cm 15mm
1x 6cm 12mm
4x 15mm brass rings
2x 12x10 test tube.
Solder everything together as shown in the pictures. I used the brass rings so you dont see the rough edges. Make sure you sand the part that you are going to glue. So the brass ring in the inside and the copper pipe. Put some super glue on both parts. Once the parts touch each other the glue will set in 3 seconds. So beware of that.
Glue the pipes in the holes.
After you have done that solder the leds. Make sure you fill the pipes with hot glue and push the test tube in. Be quick cos the glue hardens fast. And dont push to hard or the glass will crack.
Then fill the top part with hot glue and press it on the test tubes. carefull not to burn your fingers like i did. The copper gets hot very fast and stay hot for at least 4 minutes. After everything is cooled down give it a quick polish and enjoy your cell phone stand.
2x 15mm connection
2x 90 15-12mm
4x 3cm 15mm
1x 6cm 12mm
4x 15mm brass rings
2x 12x10 test tube.
Solder everything together as shown in the pictures. I used the brass rings so you dont see the rough edges. Make sure you sand the part that you are going to glue. So the brass ring in the inside and the copper pipe. Put some super glue on both parts. Once the parts touch each other the glue will set in 3 seconds. So beware of that.
Glue the pipes in the holes.
After you have done that solder the leds. Make sure you fill the pipes with hot glue and push the test tube in. Be quick cos the glue hardens fast. And dont push to hard or the glass will crack.
Then fill the top part with hot glue and press it on the test tubes. carefull not to burn your fingers like i did. The copper gets hot very fast and stay hot for at least 4 minutes. After everything is cooled down give it a quick polish and enjoy your cell phone stand.