Introduction: Survival Bow and Arrow

This is my first Instructable thanks for checking it out

Step 1:

Find a young, straight tree and cut it down

Step 2:

Measure it to be about 3 to 4 feet

Step 3:

These are all the tools you will need

Step 4:

Cut the bark of with a knife

Step 5:

It should look like this. Leave some left in the middle for a hand grip

Step 6:

Get paracord or any non stretchable cord

Step 7:

Drill a hole in each side and cut the cord to the same length as your wood and tie a simple knot

Step 8:

Cut off a small piece of the wood that is left and cut the tip with a knife also if you have small dowel rods those work a little better . Now you have a home made bow and arrow. Thanks for checking it out!!!