Introduction: Becoming the Ultimate Tech Junkie

About: Ivan Dimitrijevic is a seasoned blogger and SEO consultant with years of experience. His skill sets include Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and blogging on a wide variety of topics. He is a …

Let’s face it, the future is here. We currently have a number of exciting gadgets available, and some coming in the near future, which would make people from just a couple of generations stare in amazement and scream with excitement. Nearly everyone has a smart phone and similar gadgets that we all use in our day to day lives, but what if someone wanted to become the ultimate tech junkie and rule all the nerds from his or her high-tech throne? Well, then we would be looking at a list of very interesting steps one could take to achieve maximum awesomeness, and from here onwards be known as “the man/woman of the future”. So, here is the ultimate equipment guide for those who want to experience life at the very cutting edge of what is technologically possible today.

Smart watch

Although some people believe that a smart watch serves no real purpose or at least doesn’t do anything that other devices don’t do better, it is important to remember that there are still tons of analogue watches out there, some being sold for ridiculous amounts of money. It’s not just about utility, but about status and style as well. Any tech junkie worth his salt should have one of these babies on his wrist, perhaps even a spare one in a different color if he or she is fashion-conscious.

Activity tracker

So, let’s say you’re a person about town, a modern man or woman who’s always on the move. You will definitely need a precise way of tracking activities such as walking, sleeping, diet, exercise and so on, so that you can optimize your lifestyle. There are tons of great activity trackers that look like a stylish bracelet and will complement the fancy new smart watch you’ll be wearing on the other wrist.

Google glass

With all that gear on your hands and your smart phone tucked away deep in your pocket, how are you going to vlog or take pictures quickly when a great opportunity presents itself? Well, you put Google glass on, of course. They now have a wider range of frames available, so they will fit with almost any style and you can go about your day safe in the knowledge that you have a very easy and effective way of recording video.

Google self-driving car

Some of you may be asking questions in the lines of: ”Won’t all these gadgets be a huge distraction while driving?”. This is somewhat of a moot point, as we now have the Google Self Driving Car. Oh, yes, you can sit back, take pictures to share on Instagram, vlog about various First World problems, check your email, and the car will drive along all by itself. Granted, it will take some more time before this technology gets improved further and becomes widely available, but we’re nearly there. It’s definitely a good time to start saving up.

Solar power socket

When you’re on the road and lugging around a bag full of gadgets that rely on battery power, it won’t be long before you will need to recharge them. It can be a hassle to find somewhere to plug your charger in or you may be worried about your carbon footprint -- that is unless you have a portable solar powered socket. Plug in your smart phone, tablet or laptop and charge them up, then leave this little guy out in the sun to recharge itself. It can be easily attached on widows of cars or just carried around in your bag until you need it.

Universal translator

Since you will be constantly connected to people from around the world online, and who knows where you might end up on your travels, you’ll need a way of efficiently communicating with people of different cultures in various languages. We live in a multi-cultural world, and we are slowly melting into one global culture, so this unique universal translator will prove incredibly useful. It recognizes speech and translates it to your chosen language. Quick, simple and slick.

With all these incredibly cool and useful gadgets on your side, the possibilities are endless. It may be a bit pricey to equip yourself with all of these at the moment, but, all joking aside, in a few years we will live lives that were only possible in science fiction even just a decade ago.