Introduction: How to Delete Google Account Permanently Using Mobile Only?

About: An enthusiast of LEDs

In this instructable I will tell you how to delete your Google account permanently using a mobile phone only in just 5 minutes.

Step 1: Open YouTube

Open YouTube and sign in with your Google Account you want to delete

Step 2: Click on Your Profile

Open YouTube in top right corner you will see a circle click on it.

Step 3: Click on Manage Your Google Account

You will see "Manage your Google Account" written in blue color. Click on it.

Step 4: Go to "Data and Personalisation"

In tabs you will see a tab named "Data and Personalisation" click on it.

Step 5: Scroll Down

Scoll Down until you see a section called "Download, delete or make plan for your data".

Step 6: Click on Third Option

In "Download, delete or make a plan for your data section",there will be an option named delete a service or your account.

Step 7: Click on Delete Account

You will see a second option named "Delete your account". Click on it

Step 8: Enter Your Password

Enter your password and click "Next".

Step 9: Check Boxes

Read carefully and check both the checkboxes.

Step 10: Click on Delete

There will be a dark blue big delete my account button click on it

Warning: This will permanently delete your account.