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I like to make things more simple with easily available resources. My favorite quote: A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, and die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.! - Robe…


1K+ Comments Earned a gold medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Weaving Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Weaving Challenge
Outdoor Cooking Contest 2017
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Outdoor Cooking Contest 2017
Before and After Contest 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Before and After Contest 2017
Gardening Contest 2017
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Gardening Contest 2017
Makerspace Contest 2017
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Makerspace Contest 2017
Pasta Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Pasta Challenge
Vegan Food Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Vegan Food Challenge
Hats and Headpieces Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Hats and Headpieces Challenge
Cheese Challenge 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Cheese Challenge 2016
Live off the Land Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Live off the Land Contest
Survival Ready Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Survival Ready Contest
Coconut Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Coconut Challenge
Outdoor Cooking Challenge 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Outdoor Cooking Challenge 2016
Makerspace Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Makerspace Contest
Urban Farming Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Urban Farming Contest
Intel® IoT Invitational
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Intel® IoT Invitational
Soldering Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Soldering Challenge
Rainbow Contest
Contest Winner Fourth Prize in the Rainbow Contest
Paleo Recipe Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Paleo Recipe Challenge
Hot Glue Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Hot Glue Challenge
Glitter Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Glitter Challenge
Apocalypse Preparedness Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Apocalypse Preparedness Contest
Egg Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Egg Challenge
Spring Cleaning Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Spring Cleaning Challenge
On a Budget Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the On a Budget Contest
Rubber Bands Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Rubber Bands Challenge
Papercraft Contest
Contest Winner Fourth Prize in the Papercraft Contest
MAKE ENERGY: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge
Contest Winner Third Prize in the MAKE ENERGY: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge
Butter Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Butter Challenge
Teach It! Contest Sponsored by Dremel
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Teach It! Contest Sponsored by Dremel
Jewelry Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Jewelry Contest
Organization Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Organization Contest
Snow Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Snow Contest
Build My Lab Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Build My Lab Contest
Home Remedies Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Home Remedies Contest
Print & Dye Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Print & Dye Contest
Burning Questions Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Burning Questions Contest
Gluten-Free Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Gluten-Free Contest
I Could Make That Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the I Could Make That Contest
Indian Cuisine Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Indian Cuisine Contest
Chinese Food Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Chinese Food Contest
Fried Food Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Fried Food Contest
Beauty Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Beauty Contest
Gardening Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Gardening Contest
3rd Annual Make It Stick Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the 3rd Annual Make It Stick Contest

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