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I've been taking things apart since I was 10. My mother wasn't impressed, even though I told her I knew how to put it back together... I've been making things since I picked up my first soldering iron (By The Wrong End!) at the age of 12. After I could close my hand again, I proceeded to make my mother even more un-trusting by showing her an electronic project of mine that promptly blew up with lots of smoke. From those humble beginnings, I've made most of my living room furniture, prize-winnin…


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Optics Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Optics Contest
Soldering Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Soldering Challenge
Metal Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Metal Contest
Things That Fly Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Things That Fly Challenge
Prank Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Prank Challenge
Explore Science Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Explore Science Contest
On a Budget Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the On a Budget Contest
Burn It! Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Burn It! Contest
Paracord Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Paracord Challenge

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