

Inbox View Profile
LocationA beautiful forest at the base of a mountain that is protected from the craziness of the world.Joined
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I believe that the purpose of life is to learn how to do our best and not give in to the weaker way.


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Robots Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Robots Contest
Automation Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Automation Contest 2016
Portable Workstations Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Portable Workstations Contest
Hardware Hacking
Contest Winner First Prize in the Hardware Hacking
Hurricane Lasers Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Hurricane Lasers Contest
Electronics Tips and Tricks
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Electronics Tips and Tricks
Robot Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Robot Challenge
National Robotics Week Robot Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the National Robotics Week Robot Contest
Humana Health Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Humana Health Challenge
Gorilla Glue Make It Stick Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Gorilla Glue Make It Stick Contest
Flashlight Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Flashlight Contest
Krylon Summer Projects Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Krylon Summer Projects Contest
USB Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the USB Contest
Humana Health by Design Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Humana Health by Design Contest
Pocket-Sized Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Pocket-Sized Contest
The Instructables Book Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the The Instructables Book Contest
Instructables and RoboGames Robot Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Instructables and RoboGames Robot Contest

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