Introduction: The Mask of Mentions

About: Hi, we’re Dane & Nicole, two makers that create stuff, which we happily share with you!

A delightful oddity turned into a Discord fuelled spreader of gloom!


Step 1: Project Video

Step 2: Hardware

There are two main components making up our project: a Raspberry Pi to provide computing power, and a NeoPixel Ring to shine bright.

To avoid messy wires appearing, you can also add a power source, in this case the LiFePO4wered/Pi+.

That's all, wire it all up, and take a well deserved break!

Step 3: Discord Bot & Code

After setting up the Raspberry Pi, we can jump right into the code.

Creating a Discord bot by following these quicksteps is a great start. After which, we write the code controlling both the NeoPixel ring and interacting with Discord. The full code is included in this very step, happy copy pasting!

Step 4: Construction

Last but not least, elegantly duct tape all your hardware in place.

*This experience may vary depending on your chosen oddity.

Step 5: Result!

Turn on the Raspberry Pi, run the python script, mount the mask on a wall, and now you can enjoy a warm glow whenever your Discord bot is mentioned!

Make it Glow Contest

Participated in the
Make it Glow Contest